Hello, hello... good night, 'tis nap time.
I like napping a lot. There are so many good napping spots around the room that I know more than mommy does. She tries to get pictures of me in all of them but I normally wake up when she starts taking pictures.
Right now I am in love with the fuzzy blue bed...
As you can see it is inside the Vet-Carry-To, not a big fan of the Vet but that is another story.
But the bed is comfortable.
So is the sliding cave with mommy smelling shirts in it. I like those places too. They are an adventure to get to but so worth it.
Sisa Lexi liked mommy's work shirts. She said the smelled like mommy bread.
Of course the most common is in my hamock in the cage... see she even put in my pink blanket.
Oops she woke me up.
But my favorite place to sleep I have to wait for. And that is snuggled next to my Sisa Lexi.
Best place ever.
Sleep over
13 years ago