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Monday, December 26, 2011

A bed is a matter of opinion

Hello, hello... good night, 'tis nap time.

I like napping a lot.  There are so many good napping spots around the room that I know more than mommy does.  She tries to get pictures of me in all of them but I normally wake up when she starts taking pictures. 

Right now I am in love with the fuzzy blue bed...

As you can see it is inside the Vet-Carry-To, not a big fan of the Vet but that is another story.

But the bed is comfortable.

So is the sliding cave with mommy smelling shirts in it.  I like those places too.  They are an adventure to get to but so worth it.

Sisa Lexi liked mommy's work shirts.  She said the smelled like mommy bread.

Of course the most common is in my hamock in the cage... see she even put in my pink blanket.

Oops she woke me up.

But my favorite place to sleep I have to wait for.  And that is snuggled next to my Sisa Lexi.

Best place ever.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Well hello there again.  I just thought I would tell you how horrible the cage is.  Any cage.

I know I have a hammock, a sleepy sack, food and water but I don't care, it is horrible.  I never get enough time out of it.  I don't get any attention at all. 

See I can't get out.  I am stuck in there all the time.

And then mom takes pictures of me. 

I know she says it is because we have a cold, but I want love and she is soft and cuddly when my nose is all snotty and it is hard to breath sometimes.  Mom says we pass it back and forth between each other so we have to be really really really careful.  She has to sanitize her hands and blow her nose lots so that we don't give the germs back and forth. 

I don't know what germs look like but mom says they are evil things that make the snot and make it so we don't feel well.

I am just happy when she does let me out...

...even if we can't snuggle as much as I want.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Evil Yarn Balls kidnapped my mom!

Hello there... Chavi here.  I have been looking at the date of the last post on this lovely little here say about me and mine... and well, it has been just a bit of time since we have last spoken.

Mostly this is because mom has been incredibly busy.  November is her really really really really busy month.  She doesn't play with me near enough.  I tried really hard to get her attention but she kept her focus so much on the computer, typing away on things other than here.  And those evil yarn balls.  Yes the evil yarn balls stole her attention away from snuggling with me and playing with me.  They took her away and made her make this thing she kept calling a Starry Night Swirl Shawl.  I hate them.


Hee hee.  That was last year.  'lexi and I killed a couple of them.  Mom was so proud of us.  She even held us up and said she loved us and that was why we weren't slippers.

I tried to do that this year... but she got to it before I could totally kill it.

Oh well, now that November is over and we are into the HollyDay Time, things should move a little better.  Just thought I would stop by and share.

Dooka dook dook.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Little bit of a pain in the neck....

Okay had a little bit of a scare this week.  On this last Friday I was going to give my little girl a bath, get a couple more pictures and put up a post on bathing ferrets.  Well that changed.  I noticed when I picked her up out of her cage that she had this dark spot under her chin along her jaw line.  It was lumpy an looked honestly like a piece of poo.  So I pulled at it and it started to bleed.  Once I got the bleeding under control I took a small look at it and had my roomie look at it too.  She gave it a little squeeze to determine if it was oozing and it wasn't but there definitely was a bit of dimension to what was under the scab.

That little dark spot on her neck was much bigger before I pulled the scab off the first time. 

So on monday I set up a vet appointment and went in on Tuesday with her.  I love her vet.  He is the best.  Basically he took one look at it, pulled the scab back and said that it needed to be taken off and that he could do a smear test to start figuring out what it was.  The surgery was set then for Wednesday... because while local anesthesia is great for humans it is not so good for animals.

So, even though I was slightly panicking, I knew it was necessary.  If it was something more than just a cyst or a viral wart I needed to know.

Now why was I slightly panicking?  The last time I brought one of my ferrets in for surgery I did not get her back alive.  Mind you there were a lot of extenuating circumstances with that one and she actually was opened up but the thought was there. 

So Wednesday I brought Chavi in and she had her little surgery around eleven AM and I called and found out that it wasn't that bad.  It was only subcutaneous and had not spread and that it had no malignant traits to it.  So I made the decision not to send it off to have it analyzed and would instead just make sure that no more 'lumps' would show up and if they did I would deal with it then.

So now I have this...

And in fourteen days I will have them removed.  I just need to keep an eye on them to make sure that they don't get infected.  Pink is okay, oozing it not.

But I will say, she was fairly calm yesterday because of the surgery.  Not as much today though.  Too much cage time in her opinion.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A scary moment....

Now that I am a few days out of this and a bit calmer I can talk about it without having my heart slam so much into my chest. 

It reminds me that you have to always be aware of your ferrets... ALWAYS!!! Always aware of what they are doing, where they are going and what they are getting into.  And what is going on in the world around them.

This incident that about took my little heart out happened on Sunday.  I took my lovely little girl out on her leash and walked her about.  I have found she loves to walk around the building and I love to walk her. Mind you it is not at all like a dog, she does not pull on the leash and walk ahead of me.  I kind of have to lead her. 

But she loves it.

Well she had a couple of areas where whenever she walks through them, nose to the ground, her tail gets all big and bottle brushed, it literally looks like a bottle brush.  But I normally let it go.  Well Sunday I had made it back to the back of the house and was talking to my roommate through the open slider while I let her corgi Jake out, standing on our cement patio.  I was holding my little Chavi up on my shoulder with her looking over the back. 

Suddenly she launched herself off my shoulder flinging herself to the side.  I reached to catch her and managed to part of the way down but she now was panicked and twisted herself back around to continue to fall.  I just barely managed to get a hold of her before she hit the patio.  Pulling her to my chest I found she had wiggled out of the top half of her harness and was panicking still.  I went into the house and tried to get the harness the rest of the way off.  But she was still panicking so I went upstairs and sat in our room a moment letting her calm down as I took it off.  She stayed huddled to me for a little bit before I put her down and she trundled off to find water and food. 

It wouldn't have been as scary for me if I had not been standing on the cement patio.  If she had hit it from my little five foot plus height I would have been going to the animal emergency vet just to have her checked out.

So, always always always be aware of you baby.  You never know what they see or smell that can cause a panicked reaction.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ferret Crack... really it is.

*happy dooking preceds a bouncy ferret smaking her lips*

Hello, I just had the most wonderful thing in the universe.  FerretTone.  YUM!!! It takes so good and makes my coat shiny and silky smoooth.  I wish mom would give it to me much more than she does.  I love the taste and will lick it up whereever I can find it. 

I especially love it when she puts it on my belly.

She says she puts it there to help take care of my nails.  But I don't really notice her doing anything with my feet.  Sometimes her hands or arms get in the way of me licking my belly off but I don't really know what she is doing.

I can always smell when she opens the FerreTone bottle.  It smells so good... I just love it.  I think I rember mom calling it Ferret Crack.  I don't know why... FERRETONE!!!!

*scurrying of paws to the sound of a pop-top being opened.*

Friday, August 12, 2011

Oooo what's out here?

Ferrets on leashes and in harnesses... not always something that works. I have had ferrets that have bucked, rolled and become a speed bump. I have only tried leash training on one ferret... and it did not work. I tried bribing him, begging him and commanding him.... but alas... he bucked, dropped, dug, shuffled and scrapped himself out of his harness.

Chavi, however, has proven to me that not all ferrets are like that. She at first did not like her harness... she bucked and rolled and got out of it once.... but then she discovered the outdoors.

She is curious about the world around her and actually listens (kinda) when I tell her to go in a different direction.

When it comes to outside... she wants to know what is under the grass.

She wants to know what is under, around, in and on stuff.

But she always comes back to me.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

And the winding road begins...

FurrySlinkie Def: A small animal with an extremely flexible spine that can slip and slid into any where their head can fit. (an alternative name for a ferret)

The ferret is an incredible animal that is a bundle full of energy and curiosity. They keep themselves and their keepers entertained for bursting periods of time. Though they are not for the faint of heart. They create strong attachments to those around them and have unconditional love to give.

I have been a ferret mom for over a decade. I have had six beautiful fur-babies over that time. And I have become known to my friends and people around me as the crazy ferret girl. Anything ferrety gets my intrest.

So I thought I would actually start writing some of my adventures with my ferrets down and start sharing the multitude of pictures and art work that I have revolving around them. I thought I would share information I have figured out and tidbits I have learned regarding these bright eyed mischievous little critters.

Currently I have one ferret... her name is Chavi... and she is a little princess. 

Which she is not looking like in this picture. The sign was a wonderful gift from one of my cousin-in-laws. Apparently her father finds things like that and just picks them up. Most of the current adventures will be about her, since she is the only one I have.

She loves the color pink and her arch nemesis is the Evil Pink Google.

It is a toy put out by Ganz and she just has to drag it around and shove it into hidden places all over the room.

When I talk about past ferrets and my coming to discover ferrets I can not guaranty complete accuracy. I am human and therefore have a human memory and sometimes do not fully remember how things went... I might embellish, or create a possibility of a story. But they are true stories to my heart. And that is what is important.

So come enjoy the journey of the ferret with me... it will definitely be a winding road... because what is going through a ferrets mind? : 'what's in there?'